A good article on stretching mistakes.

One of the most debated topics in the strength and conditioning world in recent years has been whether or not static stretching is necessary and, if so, when it should be implemented.  While I don’t think everyone needs it, and that there are certainly are times when it is a bad idea to stretch, I’m still of the mindset that it can have some solid benefits when implemented properly. Unfortunately a lot of people stretch ineffectively by using poor technique or not stretching for long enough. Small adjustments to your stretching technique can have a great effect on your flexibility. 

If you have areas of your body that are always becoming tight and painful, it usually suggests that a strength problem is causing this. The strength deficit can be in the same muscle as your tightness or an opposing muscle group. Tension can also be transmitted from one part of your body to another, such as from tension in the pelvis and hips to the thoracic spine and shoulders.

Source: http://www.ericcressey.com/15-static-stretching-mistakes