Lateral or medial epicondylitis (tennis and golfer’s elbow respectively) are generally caused by an increase in intensity or frequency of movements that use wrist and elbow. Often excessive mouse and keyboard use can initiate the problem and a full workstation assessment is needed to optimise the layout of your desk. An increase in racquet sports or gym training can also start epicondylitis. Generally there is pain over the inside or outside of the elbow and along the forearm, which is made worse with extending or flexing the wrist under load. To resolve epicondylitis, you will need to rest from the activity that is aggravating the problem, or modify it to reduce the load on the forearm muscles. Deep tissue massage, myofascial release, dry needling, stretches and strengthening exercises are the treatments most commonly used. Your GP may also be able to inject the painful area with cortisone to help reduce the pain. This works well in conjunction with physiotherapy. Returning to the activities that aggravate the problem needs to be gradual or the symptoms can start again. If you are having problems with tennis or golfers elbow, book an appointment with e-physiotherapy Edinburgh.