Physiotherapy is still possible during the coronavirus lock down, with some restrictions. Non urgent cases can be dealt with remotely via video consultation. If you are having your initial assessment, no palpation or specific tests can be done but a lot of information can be gained by watching how someone moves and what movements are painful or limited. Clients can palpate specific areas on themselves to relay if areas are painful or not. Specific exercises can often be prescribed from these assessments.

If you have more severe pain or limitation of your ability to do activities of daily living, if your symptoms are worsening over time or you are considering consulting a GP or attending A&E you are allowed to consult in person with a physiotherapist under the current government guidelines. A mask, gloves and an disposable apron may need to be used when treating you to help prevent the spread of coronavirus. The clinic is closed at the moment but home visits can be arranged for in person assessments and hands on treatments when indicated.

I have recently had several clients who have held off getting physiotherapy even with severe pain and limitation of movement. This has made if more difficult to reduce their pain and symptoms. Please do contact me for an assessment and treatment if you are suffering. If you are not sure if you qualify as an urgent case you can send me an email or text or phone to ask.